Sarinya's E-marketing Blog

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to succeed in Blogging?

How to succeed in blogging?

It's not as simple as just opening an account with a blog service provider and publishing articles every now and then. Successful blogging is both an art and a science.

  1. Title Tags: Create an informative title tag 60-70 characters in length, describing what your post is about.  If you want to rank a particular post for a particular keyword phrase, include it in the title of the page and title of the post.
  2. Meta Descriptions: Provide a short description of 160-170 characters in length to describe the post in the SERPs, including some sort of call to action at the end such as “Show your [industry] awareness by sharing with your friends”.
  3. Social Share Buttons: When people read something they like or find beneficial, they like to share it with those around them.  Add social sharing buttons to every top social platforms (Facebook, Twitter, G+,StumbleUpon, Digg etc.), making it as easy for your viewers to share your posts with your friends.
  4. Social Profile Buttons: Make sure your social profile buttons and RSS feed sign-up are easy to find on the blog.  When people read blogs, they will often want to subscribe and connect with you through your other social channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).
  5. Comments: Enable commenting on each blog post to help entice people to interact with the author of the post.  This is a great way to build relationships with people in your industry, and potential clients.  It also allows you to answer any additional questions that people may have after reading your post.
  6. Pictures: “Pictures are worth a thousand words.”  Have at least one picture for every blog post that relates to what is being written in that post.
  7. Use Links: Give users access to more information about your topic by linking to other pages of your site, and other trusted blogs and websites that can help shed more light on what you are talking about.
  8. Titles: First impressions can make or break you. The title of your blog post is your opportunity to make that first impression.  Create titles that are interesting to your viewing audience and that entice them to keep reading.
  9. Content: In SEO, original and unique content is king. Updating your blog on a consistent basis will entice visitors and search engines to continually come back to your site to read more. Blogging frequently with high quality content will make you a reliable and creditable resource in your industry, ultimately helping you rank better in the SERPs, and can create a loyal following and clientele.Write good posts that people want to link to, share, and that provide good usable information. 
  10. URL Structure: Use the title of the post as part of the URL structure so it is easy for people to remember and link to. Example:
  11. Have Fun with it: Blogging is meant to entertain and provide useful information. Don’t be afraid to use analogies and jokes to help people relate to what you are saying and endear them to you.  


Anonymous said...

Hey! Thumbs up for this blog, I finally learn how to make my own blog!!!

Thanks a million,
New Blogger

Rice David said...

Thanks for the post. This is very useful information.
Appreciate sharing your experiences and thoughts. This is very helpful.
thanks a lot.

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