Sarinya's E-marketing Blog

Monday, January 30, 2012

SEO in marketing

E-marketing (29/01/12)

This presentation lecture was from a different group in class.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the practice of optimizing a website to achieve preferred ranking on the search engine results pages.

The importance of the search to marketers: 

1. People use search to find what they want
2. Search engine is a door way to internet 
3. To be found, you must visible 
4. Top of search = top of awareness 

Three-way relationship
- Search engine, web masters and users 
- Search engine is a tool for users to find things. It wants to make money from the web masters to pay for advertise on search page (Pay-per-click) 

Role of search engine 
1. Robot is automated indexing program.
2. Index is a library of pages on internet.
3. Engine will check the index to find relevant pages for users.
4. SERP listing of results for the user's queries.

SEM (Search engine marketing) consists of SEO and PPC advertising. Keywords are involved in SEM

Emerging trends of SEO - Localization, personalized search, usage data.

How do search engines access the data?
They use "cookies" to maintain the history of users search advertise

Google provides services to gather relevant data, such as, adwords, adsense, website optimizer. The web masters can also create metatags, title tags, header tags to optimize their websites so that the search engine could index them to be appeared on the first page.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Viral Marketing

E-marketing class (26/01/12)

Viral Marketing is a form of word of mouth marketing which aims to result in a message spreading. Its name is desired from, "virus", that could connect people. The campaigns are not as easy as they may appear. They require careful preparation and luck. They can be tricky and unpredictable. 

Two types of viral marketing campaigns. 
1. Organic or in the wild campaigns
The message would be passed around in a viral nature without any intention from the marketers. This happens with negative message about a brand. Positive campaigns can build huge brand equity due to unlimited communications. 
2. Amplified or controlled campaigns 
The campaigns are strategically planned. It often deals with distinct method of passing the message. For example, Hotmail has a clear goal of its membership and emails are sent automatically passing on the message.

Viral marketing uses people's electronic connectivity to increase the velocity of word of mouth. For a brand, viral marketing can build awareness of a product or service.

Viral marketing campaigns can ensure success. First, you need to define the aims of campaign. Second, you create something that people want to share. Third, use social media to share the contents. Forth you should remove all barriers to participation. Then, the messages should be authentic and they provide incentives.  They should be available as well. The marketers should use the strong call the action. It should be able to tracked, analyzed and optimized. It should get a little lucky.

The next step for marketers is to prepare for the traffic. They need to make sure that the server is working properly. Also, they should be ready to start relationship by making the first contact. They should maintain the relationship by consists the list of customers, traffic details and conversation details.

However, the marketers need to be careful of fault messages and social media interaction. They should promote transparency and authenticity to track.

                         Example of viral marketing: Will it blend?